

The Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology and Conservation Research Group (TEG-UAM) promotes basic and applied research into terrestrial ecosystems.

The main goals are to:

  1. Generate knowledge about core ecological processes in terrestrial ecosystems.
  2. Develop criteria and tools for biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural resource management in terrestrial environments on the basis of verifiable scientific information.
  3. Promote the transfer of knowledge and methodological tools generated in research through training and consultancy work.

This is a large, active group with a well-established national and international reputation. Since 1980, we have developed several lines of basic research into various aspects of plant and animal ecology, their interactions and the role of humans in population, community and landscape dynamics. In our applied work, we have studied the consequences of agricultural practices on the functions, conservation and restoration of extensive agricultural systems with high natural values. Our group also has a long, prolific history of research in environmental impact assessment, environmental planning and the evaluation of remedial ecological restoration measures. The group has published more than 200 articles in leading journals, over 100 book chapters or entire books, and numerous contributions to national and international congresses.