Juan Traba Díaz


Autónoma University of Madrid
Department of Ecology. C-212
C/ Darwin, 2
Madrid E-28049 Spain
Tfn: +34 91 497 6327
Fax: +34 91 497 8001
E-mail: juan.traba(at)uam.es

I am full professor at the Department of Ecology of the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid, where I did my doctoral thesis (UAM, April 2000) on animal-plant interactions and dispersive ecology of annual pasture communities, under the supervision of Dr. Peco. From 2000 I interested in vertebrate ecology and animal-plant interaction. My scientific interests now focus on evolutionary ecology, primarily ecological niche and habitat selection, species-species interactions mediated by competition and predation, and conservation ecology. Within this line I have supervised or participated in 40 competitive projects with official funding (15 as PI). I currently lead the LIFE Connect Ricotí LIFE20 NAT/ES/000133 project, endowed with 5.5 million euros. I am the author of more than 100 articles in international journals, as well as numerous book chapters and various works, most of them on evolutionary ecology and vertebrate conservation biology, and also on animal-plant interaction. I have leaded several research projects focused on ecological niche definition, distribution, habitat selection, competition, ecological restoration and use of space by vertebrates in Spain, Morocco, Argentina and Chile, in addition to numerous contracts with companies and administrations, being PI in 20 of them. On these issues I have supervised 6 doctoral theses, I am currently supervising another 6, more than 20 final Master’s projects and 50 final degree projects.

I am involved in the teaching of the Degree in Biology at the UAM, and of the Official Master in Ecology UAM-UCM, where I teach both theory and practice in four different subjects.

Some recent and remarkable publications

Traba, J.; Gómez-Catasús, J.*; Barrero, A.; Bustillo de la Rosa, D.; Zurdo, J.;  Hervás, I.; Pérez-Granados, C.; García de la Morena, E.; Santamaría, A.; & Reverter, M. (2022) Comparative assessment of satellite- and drone-based vegetation indices to predict arthropod biomass in shrub-steppes. Ecological Applications, e2707. *equal contribution.

Traba, J. & Pérez-Granados, C. (2022) Extensive sheep grazing is associated with trends in steppe birds in Spain: recommendations for the Common Agricultural Policy. PeerJ 10: e12870.

Pozo, R.A.; Cusack, J.J.; Acebes, P.; Malo, J.E.; Traba, J.; Morris-Trainor, Z.; Iranzo, E.C.; Minderman, J.; Radic, S.; Moraga, C.A.; Bunnefeld, N.; Arriagada, R. & Corti, P. (2021) Reconciling livestock production and wild herbivore conservation: challenges and opportunities. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 36(8): 750-761.

Pérez-Granados, C. & Traba, J. (2021) Estimating bird density using passive acoustic monitoring: A review of methods and suggestions for further research. Ibis, 163, 765–783.

Serrano, D.; Margalida, A.; Pérez-García, J.M.; Juste, J.; Traba, J.; Valera, F.; Carrete, M.; Aihartza, J.; Real, J.; Mañosa, S.; Flaquer, C.; Garin, I.; Morales, M.B.; Alcalde, J.T.; Arroyo, B.; Sánchez-Zapata, J.A.; Blanco, G. Negro, J.J.; Tella, J.L:; Ibañez, C.; Tellería, J.L: Hiraldo, F. & Donázar, J.A. (2020) Transition to renewables in Spain triggers a dramatic loss of biodiversity. Science, Vol. 370 (6522): 1282-1283.

Gómez-Catasús, J.; Garza, V.; Morales, M.B. & Traba, J. (2019) Hierarchical habitat-use by an endangered steppe bird in fragmented landscapes is associated with large connected patches and high food availability. Scientific Reports, 9: 19010.

Traba, J. & Morales, M.B. (2019) The decline of farmland birds in Spain is strongly associated to the loss of fallow-land. Scientific Reports, 9: 9473.

García Antón, A.; Garza, V. & Traba, J.(2018) Climatic and isolation factors affect morphological traits in an extremely endangered but widely distributed bird species, the Dupont’s Lark Chersophilus duponti. Bird Study, 65: 373-384.

Iranzo, E.C.; Wittmer, H.; Traba, J.; Acebes, P.; Mata, C. & Malo, J.E. (2018) Predator abundance and perceived predation risk determine grouping behavior in guanaco (Lama guanicoe). Ethology, 128: 281:289.

Gómez-Catasús, J.; Garza, V. & Traba, J.(2018) Wind farms affect the occurrence, abundance and population trends of small passerine birds: the case of the Dupont’s lark. Journal of Applied Ecology, 1-10.

Tarjuelo, R.; Morales, M.B.; Traba, J.; Arroyo, B.; Mañosa, S.; Bota, G. & Casas, F. (2017) Intra- and interspeficic competition induces density-dependent habitat niche shifts in an endangered steppe bird. Ecology and Evolution, 7: 9720-9730.

Traba, J.; Iranzo, E.C.; Carmona, C.P. & Malo, J.E. (2017) Realised niche changes in a native herbivore assemblage associated with the presence of livestock. Oikos, 126 (10): 1400-1409.

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